Greenscape 60″ Seeder | 1 Large-Grass Seed Box (3.5bu) & 1 Legume Seed Box (1.5bu) | CAT I & 2 | Min HP 30
Greenscape Seeders
The Greenscape Conservation Seeder represents a totally new concept in seeding. Being neither a grain drill nor a PTO driven seeder, the Greenscape effectively prepares the soil, drops and lightly covers the seed, and firmly presses the soil for a perfectly prepared seedbed. It is designed to achieve a perfect pattern across the working width of the machine; no row effect as with drills or knife type overseeders. This machine will seed into all conditions, including primary seeding into prepared ground or overseeding into existing vegetation. Best of all, it’s all ground driven – no PTO shafts or gearboxes to maintain, and requires only a 30 horsepower tractor to operate. When equipped with the optional precision small seed boxes, the Greenscape will plant virtually any type or size seed at any rate that you desire. Available in 60″ & 84 “.
Seeder Specs
• Heavy tubular frame construction
• All ground driven, no PTO shaft or gearbox to maintain
• Precise seed metering cups with individual clean out gates
• Perfect pattern across full width of working area – no row effect as with PTO driven, knife type machines or sod drills
• Rear roller packer rings to firm and smooth seedbed
• Water tight seedbox with agitator shaft – calibration chart and seeding rate chart
• Driven spiked rollers crumble soil just enough for perfect seed-to-soil contact
• Exclusive Torque Arm – keeps constant adjustable down pressure on rear cultipacker
• High Ground Speed – up to 7 MPH
• Full Width Broadcast Coverage – NO ROW EFFECT
Typical Users
• Landscape Contractors – seeding, overseeding lawns
• Landowners/Farmers – grassed waterways, field borders, wetlands
• Dept. of Transportation – roadside seeding and overseeding, wildflower programs
• Sportsmen/Hunters – wildlife food plots
• Livestock/Horse owners – pasture seeding and overseeding
• Developers – erosion control projects
• Utility Contractors – pipeline seeding
• Golf Courses – seeding, maintaining fairways, borders, rough areas
• Park/Recreation Dept. – seeding grass areas, athletic fields
• National Wildlife Refuges – establishing wildlife habitat
• Park Services – land reclamation projects
• Forest Service – seeding roads, fire lanes, logging roads
• Vineyards/Orchards – between row seeding of cover crop
Typical Machine Uses
• Initial grass seeding for new lawns, pastures, field borders and ditchbanks
• Overseeding lawns, pastures, etc.
• Aerating grass areas
• Final seedbed preparation on bare ground
• Repairing bare spots on turf farms, waterways, etc.
• Seeding wildlife food plots and soil – water conservation areas
• Highway roadsides and right-of-ways and DOT wildflower program
• Golf course areas
Legume Seebox (Small Hopper)
- Alfalfa
- Bermuda
- Carpet Grass
- Centipede
- Clover – Ladino
- Clover – Red
- Cosmos – Bipinnatus
- Dixie Crimson
- Lespedza
- Millet
- Pennsicola Bahai
- Rape
- Sorghum
- Switchgrass
All small round types seeds that flow easily and are generally plantly at a fairly low rate, typically from as low as 3 lbs. per acre to about 65 lbs. per acre. This would include all clover, alfalfa, brassicas and many flowers that have seed counts from about 100,000 seeds/lb to well over 7,000,000 seeds/lb. The seed size diameter would be from about 3/16″ (5 mm) to as small as 1/128″ (0.019 mm).
The seed rate adjustment for the small hopper is located on the left side of the hopper behind the panel standing at the rear of the machine. To increase the seed rate, turn the knob on the left side of the hopper clockwise and then lock the jam nut. Refer to the indicator reading on the square seed shaft (right side) and find the corresponding number on the calibration chart to assure your new rate. Reverse this procedure to decrease rate. Refer to the rate chart located inside the hopper lid for the corresponding seeding rate.
Note: When seed cups are fully closed, the indicator should be on 0 (on the rule). Fully open would be 1-1/8”.
Large Seedbox
- Annual Rye Grass
- Corn
- Cosmos – Sulphur
- Fertilizer
- Fescue – Creeping Red
- Fescue – Kentucky 31 Tall
- Kentucky Blue Grass
- Oats
- Orchard Grass
- Pennington Contractor’s Mix
- Perennial Rye Grass
- Snow Peas
- Soybean
- Wheat
All cereal grains, rye, wheat, oats barley and rice. Any seeds that are irregular shaped (elongated, rice shape) but still flow easily should be planted with this box. Most cool season grasses, such as fescue, ryegrass and bluegrass would be planted with this box. All types of beans, peas, corn and sunflowers can be planted with this box. Seed sizes would be from about 3/8″ (9.5 mm) elongated up to about 3/8″ (9.5 mm) diameter round. Seeding rates are typically from about 25 lbs. per acre to 400 lbs. per acre.
To increase the seed rate, turn the knob on the right end of the hopper clockwise, and lock the jam nuts on the threaded shaft to assure seeding accuracy. Refer to the indicator reading on the square seed shaft and find the corresponding number on the calibration chart 2 to assure your new rate. Reverse this procedure to decrease rate. Remember to rotate the seed shaft while adjusting to prevent damage to cups especially if seeds are in hopper.
Note: When seed cups are fully closed, the indicator should be on 0 (on the rule). This can be adjusted by simply adjusting the pointer as needed. Fully open would be 1-3/4”.
Native Grass Seedbox
- Virginia Wild Rye
- Big Blue Stem
- Native River Oats
- Indian Grass
- Native Side Oats Gamma
- Little Blue Stem
Any seed that does not flow well because of chaff, beards, trash, etc should be planted in this box. This includes many annual and perennial warm season native grasses that are very light and fluffy. Any seed type that will not flow easily through your fingers when held apart would need to go in this box. Seeding rates typically are from 8 to 100 lbs. per acre.
Models 600-4 & 840-4 are equipped with three seed boxes. The front seed box has a special agitator shaft for fluffy or chaffy seeds; such as some wildflowers and native grasses. Generally, when planting seed of this type the seed cup gate position should be in the lower position : (third notch).
Weight | 1710 lbs |